+088 385 659 258

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Faizan Education Network

Faizan Education Network is dedicated to providing Islamic education in Pakistan by offering varied courses and programs suitable to the needs of different age groups. The network is currently offering Hifz and Nazra Quran home tuition and other Islamic Courses. It regularly organizes different talks on Islamic topics by learned scholars.


Happy Stundents


Courses Completed


Experienced Staff


Ongoing Courses

Current Happening

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about us

About Us

More Than 50M+ People
Are Happy With Us.

Faizan Education Network (FEN) is dedicated to delivering high-quality Islamic education to individuals of all ages, fostering a profound connection with the Quran and the teachings of Islam.Our aim is to create an environment where learning is accessible, personalized, and deeply rooted in Islamic values.


Years Of


Our Services

We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to cater to the diverse educational needs of our community. Our mission is to provide accessible, high-quality Islamic education that nurtures both spiritual and intellectual growth. Here’s a detailed overview of the services we offer:


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Our Team

Our teachers are the cornerstone of our mission to provide exceptional Islamic education. Our dedicated team of educators brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and passion to their teaching, ensuring that every student receives the highest quality of instruction.


Syed Obaid Ur Rahman

Arabic Instructor - FEN

He is certified Teacher from University of Karachi for teaching ARABIC and ISLAMIC STUDIES.


Professor Abdul Wajid

Head Of Program - FEN

His vast islamic knowledge along with the fusion with Modernization bring FEN to standards.


Maulana Fuzail Attari

Islamic Scholar - FEN

His great knowledge in various areas of Islamic education is one of the core advantage FEN can get from such scholar.


Maulana Fuzail Attari

Islamic Scholar - FEN

His great knowledge in various areas of Islamic education is one of the core advantage FEN can get from such scholar.

Image Gallery

In our image gallery you can explore a visual journey of our educational programs, community events, and various activities that define our mission and values. Our gallery offers a glimpse into the vibrant and dynamic environment we cultivate for our students and community members.

Video Gallery

In our video gallery you can watch videos of showcasing our educational programs, community events, and various activities that highlight our commitment to Islamic education and community building. Our video gallery provides an immersive experience into the vibrant and dynamic environment we create for our students and community members.


We highly value the feedback from our students, parents, and community members. Your insights and experiences help us continuously improve our services and enhance the quality of our educational programs. We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences with us.